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Taste the Freshness

New Hampshire’s Go-to Smoothie Food Truck in Manchester, NH

Introducing The Smoothie Bus, your go-to mobile smoothie solution for corporate events, sports tournaments, and more!  Perfect for employee appreciation, corporate outings, and even as a thoughtful gesture from one business to another, our food truck brings a unique, health-focused experience that boosts energy and morale.  We change up our bus menu every season; picked from our top 10 smoothies from the Smoothie Bus Shoppe, with most of our smoothies being vegan, we cater to all health-conscious and flavor-loving crowds.

Smoothie Bus offers our unique Smoothie Bus service to online casino players in Concord and Manchester, NH. Our food truck season runs from April to October and is ideal for sporting events, corporate travel, food truck festivals, farmers markets, old days at home , business visits and everything else under the sun, read more at We deliver our menu of over 20 smoothies and other great snacks and drinks directly to online casino players.

Why The Smoothie Bus is a Game-Changer for Your Event

1. Boost Morale & Engagement

Elevate the spirit of your employees or sports teams with our vibrant smoothie offerings. Our presence not only brightens the day but also encourages productivity, team spirit, and a happy, health-conscious environment.

2. Health & Wellness Champion

As a perfect fit for wellness programs, we offer nutritious smoothies as a tasty, healthy alternative to typical fast food, supporting a culture of well-being at your corporate or sporting event.

3. Hassle-Free Booking

Organizing The Smoothie Bus for your event is effortless. Once we lock in the details and schedule, we handle everything else, providing up to 400 smoothies per event, swiftly served at about 2.5 smoothies per minute.

4. Flexible Service, Tailored to You

Need us for a specific duration? We offer hourly rates alongside smoothie costs, ensuring our service aligns perfectly with the needs of your event, whether it's a corporate meeting or a sports tournament.

5. Convenience Meets Affordability

We're on the move without travel fees within a 20-minute radius of our Smoothie Bus Station* and no minimum count in Manchester*. Events further out have a scalable minimum, ensuring we cater to your specific needs.

6. Securing Your Event

For larger bookings over $1,000, we confirm with a 50% non-refundable deposit. Weekend events, perfect for tournaments and gatherings, require a 50 smoothie minimum based on location.

7. Wider Reach for Diverse Events

The Smoothie Bus is now serving not only New Hampshire but also venturing into Southern Maine and mid to northern Massachusetts, ready to cater to a wide array of events and locations. On special occasions, we're eager to go even further. Whether your event is beyond our usual area, we're more than willing to bring our unique smoothie experience directly to you, ensuring no location is too far for a bit of smoothie magic.

The Smoothie Bus isn’t just another food truck; it’s a celebration of taste, health, and community spirit. Ideal for enhancing corporate gatherings, employee appreciation events, sporting tournaments, and more, our smoothies bring a refreshing and healthful twist to any event. Schedule The Smoothie Bus today and make your next event a memorable, energetic, and delicious experience!

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Grab a Healthy Smoothie Today!